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Want to Know About the CAT Examination ?

`CAT exam coming soon: -

CAT is a national level entrance exam regulated by IIMs & its 19 brothers, other colleges do consider CAT scores as the eligibility criteria for enrolment. CAT is an ellipsis of Common Admission Test, though the exam is not at all easy and common. It takes place once in an academic year nearly in the upcoming months with a distinct format and questionnaires. It might sound like CAT is some sort of volcanic eruption in a peaceful life, nevertheless an easy path can’t lead to a legendary life. CAT is the only gateway to A-Grade B-schools in India. At least 50% score in graduation is required to appear for the exam. Minimum 95% percentile can open the doors of the first stage in IIMs followed by Group discussions and Personal interviews. Scoring less than 95% should not disappoint you in life, still enormous colleges are willing to take applications.
The exam started in 1950 and graduated to be an online-entrance test in 2009. Candidates need to attempt 100 questions in 180 minutes. Registration for CAT begins in August-September and the exam is held in November-December. In 2016, CAT was held on December 4.

CAT has three sections:
•            Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
•            Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
•            Verbal and Reading Comprehension (VRC)

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Qualifications required to appear in CAT exam: -
The aspirant must be a graduate from any university recognized by the MHRD, UPSC, AICTE. Those pursuing the final year of bachelor’s degree must attain at least 50% (45% for SC/ST), as well as those who hold equivalent educational degree are eligible to appear for CAT with the same notch as mentioned before.

Exam Syllabus: -

Quantitative Ability Syllabus
·        Number Systems                                     
·        LCM and HCF
·        Percentage                                              
·        Profit and Loss
·        Interest (Simple and Compound)     
·        Speed, Time and Distance
·        Time and Work                                         
·        Average
·        Ratio and Proportion                      
·        Linear Equations
·        Quadratic Equations                      
·        Complex Numbers
·        Logarithm                                                            
·        Progressions
·        Binomial Theorem                                     
·        Surds and Indices
·        Inequalities                                              
·        Permutation and Combination
·        Probability                                                
·        Functions
·        Set Theory                                               
·        Mixtures and Allegations
·        Geometry                                                            
·        Co-ordinate Geometry
·        Trigonometry                                            
·        Mensuration            

Data Interpretation
Data is given in form of tables, charts or graphs. In this section it is tested that how candidates can interpret the given data and answer questions based on it.
·         Tables         
·         Column graphs
·         Bar Graphs  
·         Line charts
·         Pie Chart     
·         Venn Diagrams
Combination of two or more types linked to each other.

Logical Reasoning
·        Tables          
·        Column graphs
·        Bar Graphs             
·        Line charts
·        Pie Chart                 
·        Venn Diagrams

Verbal Ability
Types of Questions
·        Vocabulary Based (Synonyms Antonyms)  
·        English Usage or Grammar
·        Sentence Correction
·        Fill in the blanks
·        Cloze Passage
·        Analogies or Reverse Analogies
·        Jumbled Paragraph  
·        Meaning-Usage Match
·        Summary Questions
·        Verbal Reasoning
·        Facts / Inferences / Judgements     
·        Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary questions test the candidate's knowledge of the primary meanings of words, secondary shades of meaning, usage, idioms and phrases, antonyms, related words, etc.

Grammar-based questions test the candidate's ability to spot and correct grammatical errors. CAT generally tests knowledge of high school level grammar and includes areas like subject-verb agreement, use of modifiers, parellel construction, redundancy, phrasal verbs, use of articles, prepositions, etc.

Verbal Reasoning
Verbal reasoning questions are designed to test the candidate's ability to identify relationships or patterns within groups of words or sentences.

General and Business GK (Elementary Level)
Institutes like IIFT AND SYMBOISIS have a section for General knowledge which includes question related to current affairs and business GK at elementary level 

Key Points: -

·        Set deadline: - Start with setting a reasonable Deadline (due date) for syllabus completion (default set to 1 month).
·        GOTD”90 mins” - Dedicate half an hour per section, per day and try to accomplish the individual section GOTDs (Goals of the day). If GOTD feels overwhelming / underwhelming, try adjusting the due date for smaller/larger GOTD targets.
·        Tag Questions: - Create a habit of tagging questions while practicing, tagged ones will be available as a collection for revision later.
·        Revise: - Every weekend, dedicate a portion of time to practice the incorrect/overtime/tagged question sets.

Minimum cut-off in CAT to go for IIMs: -
·        Minimum CAT percentile for General category candidates: 99.67
·        Minimum CAT percentile for NC-OBC category candidates: 96.42
·        Minimum CAT percentile for SC category candidates: 90.68
·        Minimum CAT percentile for ST category candidates: 81.10
·        Minimum CAT percentile for DA category candidates: 86.76

Note: This might vary in different branches of IIM by a slight numeric difference.

CAT Cut-Off
AIMS Institute (AIMS), Bangalore (PGDM)
Asia Pacific Institute of Management, Delhi (PGDM)
Birla Institute of Management Technologies (BIMTECH), Grater Noida
Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM), Tiruchirappalli (MBA)

Department of Management Studies - Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (DMS IITD), Delhi (MBA)

Faculty of Management Studies - University of Delhi (FMS), Delhi


Loyola Institute of Business Administration, (LIBA), Chennai (PGDM)

Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS), Mumbai (MMS)

PSG Institute of Management (PSGIM), Coimbatore (MBA)

Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bangalore (XIME), Bangalore (PGDM)

T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal (PGDM)



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