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How to prepare for CAT Exams

CAT 2017 preparation journals: -
CAT has this typical Image of constant change in the question paper pattern, among rest of the competitive exams. It is considered at the top in management diameters. CAT 2017 might deal some competencies as the pattern has been followed similar in year 2016 as well as 2015. IIM Lucknow has geared up to make CAT 2017 successful.

Pattern of Question paper: -
Common Admission Test (CAT 2017) is the gateway to IIMs and other Business Management colleges. Till the Yr.2014 CAT exam was completely based on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and all of them levied penalty of negative marking for incorrect answers. For the first time in CAT 2015 convened by IIM Ahmedabad, entire process was changed and out of 100 total questions, the exam comprised 28 non-MCQs which remained free from any penalty of negative marking. Apart from this, the exam was divided into 3 sections instead of earlier 2. The move was much cherished since it was considered more postulant friendly. The test offered level playing field and high scoring opportunities to the candidates from all streams. This helped to increase academic and gender diversity in IIM class rooms.

CAT-2017 Applications closing date - 24th November

Preparation techniques: -
·       Mock Test: - Practice test papers prepared by the top ranked students is the best source to extend the level of experience and command over CAT exam. There are a number of sites in the verge to provide CAT online mock test. Apply for it as the exam dates are near.
·       CAT Test series: - You may enroll for CAT test series at some good CAT coaching like TIME, VISTAMIND, CL, IMS among others. They will help you overcome many weak areas. Choose for the best coaching for CAT preparation. CAT coaching online is a virtuous answer to the working specialists who find it problematic to attend regular offline class room coaching for CAT. During the past few years fondness for CAT online coaching has gone up many times. In fact, CAT online preparation through online coaching for CAT is more cost effective, less time consuming and proposes you more time to practice CAT question papers and CAT exercises.
·       CAT Preparation for VARC: -
o  Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension in CAT 2017 exam would be the foremost section. VARC is considered as the trickiest section as it can get any composition with plenty of questions.
o  VARC needs more attention in comparison to the next two sectors. During the last few years, VARC has gone for substantial changes in CAT exams. In simpler terms aspirants need to be versatile in accordance to current as well as past affairs, including intact knowledge of past question papers.
o  Sometimes you may find more questions on Grammar and Vocabulary and at other times the entire part on Grammar based and vocabulary based questions may be missing in CAT exam. The difficulty level of questions in VARC section is from moderate to highly difficult.
o  Reading Comprehension used to have a share of around 45% of total VARC questions in CAT but now this share has increased to 70%, rest 30% questions are based Verbal Ability.
o  “Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension’s” exam pattern: -
§  Total Questions: 34
§  Total MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions): 24
§  Total Non-MCQs (Answer to be typed on screen): 10
§  Answer choice for each question (MCQ): 4
§  Answer choice for Non-MCQ: May or may not exist. In any case you need to type the answer in the given space on the computer screen
§  Maximum marks for correct answer: 3
§  Negative marks for wrong answer: -1

Reading Material: - A CAT 2017 aspirant needs to know what and how to prepare Verbal Ability before moving on the tricky path of CAT preparation module. Entire syllabus has to be placed in 2 sections- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. Clear understanding of basics and the skill to apply them in English language can only strengthen the Verbal Ability.
CAT DILR Preparation: - Data Interpretation for CAT and Logical Reasoning for CAT are now clubbed together and form a new DILR section. DI questions for CAT with solutions are available online also. The data interpretation for CAT syllabus is also a little more defined than other CAT sections. The Data Interpretation Study material like Data Interpretation for CAT; The Pearson Guide for logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation are the few of the best books for CAT 2017 preparation. Data interpretation and Logical Reasoning study material for CAT 2017 is available online also which can help you in CAT 2017 DILR preparation and will also save your time also.
Candidates who appear in IIMs Common Admission Text (CAT) find DILR as the most difficult and time-consuming section. Candidates can hardly solve only a few DILR questions in CAT exam. Now, with creation of new section in CAT comprising only DILR questions, CAT has detached the DI questions and LR questions from their respective parent sections of Quant and Verbal. Now DILR is the 3rd section in CAT exam which requires higher focus on DILR preparation.
DILR: Very important in CAT 2017
·       The new DILR section now is as important as other 2 sections in CAT 2017 as sectional cut offs announced by IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta, IIM Lucknow and other IIMs for DILR section are the same as applicable for Quant and VARC sections.  If you have to score 85 percentiles in Quant and VRC sections, you will have to score 85 percentiles minimum in CAT 2017 in DILR section also to get shortlisted by IIMs for admission to batch 2018-20. The actual cut off percentile in DILR section in CAT 2017 may be higher than the announced cut off, depending upon the merit status and scoring pattern.
·       Division of DILR questions in CAT exam
o  Total Questions: 32
o  Total available time to solve: 1 hour (60 minutes)
o  Number of DI questions in CAT 2017: 16
o  Number of LR questions in CAT 2017: 16
o  Number of DILR MCQs in CAT 2017: 24 (DI-12; LR-12)
o  Number of DILR Non-MCQs in CAT 2017: 8 (DI-4; LR-4)
o  Type of DILR Questions: 8 sets with 4 questions in each set
o  Maximum Marks per right answer: 3
o  Negative marks for wrong answer-MCQ: 1
o  Negative marks for wrong answer-Non-MCQ: No negative marking for Non MCQs
DILR in CAT 2017-Game changer
·       Those who can crack more questions on Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning in CAT 2017 will be able to score very high getting an edge over their peers.
·       Questions on Data Interpretation and LR in CAT 2017 could prove to be the prime factors to push your score up or pull the same down according to the ability with which the section is attempted in 60 minutes. The questions in DILR section are always more time consuming as well as require more skills to crack.
·       Most of the DILR questions are in a set of 4-5 questions following a problem set. The questions are expected to be based on tricky information rich problems in the form of bar diagrams, graphs, tables on Data Interpretation while questions on Logical Reasoning will need greater practice work on Seating arrangement, family tree, direction, rows, arguments, statements among others. Remember practicing the right approach to solve the questions could be the key to score high.
How to crack 25 out of 34 in Quant?
·       The level of difficulty in Quant section of CAT in last 2 years that IIM Bangalore and IIM Ahmedabad placed is not unknown is one fact and you also need a very high percentile in Quant in CAT 2017 is another fact. Apart from these 100 percentiles in CAT are also on the rise. If you attempt fewer questions and out of them some may go wrong, your percentile may reduce substantially.
·       Now the need is to aim for scoring high in CAT 2017. While a particular class of candidates may have an edge in Quant others may have the same edge in other sections. To achieve the high scoring goal in Quant, the only formula now is to focus on strengthening your basics in Quant; do more practice on Quant questions for CAT and take as many sectional and full-length mocks for Quant in CAT 2017.


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