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Top MBA Colleges in India

Top MBA Colleges in India

In the realm of a fanatic career, you need to be precise while choosing the institute you are going to be bind up with, if we read the facts, interestingly there has always been a trend of occupations. Earlier Engineering was on peak, Time took a drift and a number of management colleges came forward in the verge of providing business education. No doubt, none could take the place of IIM (A, B, C).  Perhaps, it won’t be wise enough to rely on the interview call from IIM, A number of great institutions are practicing MBA/BBA, et cetera.
Among them we have listed the best colleges to go for MBA: -
1.   Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Andheri West, Mumbai
·       Faculty: The teaching methods include presentations, guest lectures, and pen and paper based learning. Constant feedback sessions are held where the students review a faculty member's performance on a particular subject and proper corrective actions are taken wherever necessary. The student-faculty ratio is around 8:1.
·       Infrastructure: Although SPJIMR is not known for its infrastructure, there have been a lot of developments happening to improve the same. A new academic building is being constructed which is scheduled to start functioning from the next academic year. Hostels are present in the campus on 2 and 3 sharing bases.
·       A canteen named Spice and Spoon is present on the campus and offers good quality vegetarian food. The classrooms have been revamped recently. There has been a great deal of investment made by the college authorities on the same.
·       The course curriculum is very useful and we get varied knowledge on the subjects taught.
2.   Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune
·       The campus is blessed with a sprawling campus of 300 acres. It's a destination of top recruiters across India for various management profiles ranging from marketing, operations, finance, etc. The college provides a residential MBA only. All the recreational activities like gym, yoga, Zumba, etc. are present. The student life is a bliss here. The campus is located on Lavale hill and the institution is many times called - 'The crown of the hill'.
·       IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL – JAIPUR: - The IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL is a management college established in 2007 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Institution is affiliated with Rajasthan University, and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education. IPS beholds all the executive programs of IIMs as well as XLRI in its campus. IPS gives a certification course to the students interested in executive programs of IIMs & XLRI.
·       The Director of IPS, Mrs. Deepti Agarwal initiated a unique idea of OJT (ON JOB TRAINING). This concept was made to enhance the practical knowledge of the students by acknowledging them of the corporate world with Data, practice & perseverance.
·       Placements: The placements last year were really good. Around 90-95% of the students got placed from the campus itself. The highest package was 14.14 lakhs per annum for marketing by Amazon. The average salary was around 6.7 lakhs. The roles varied from manager posts to senior level manager posts.
·       Faculty: The faculty members for the general subjects of MBA are admiring & when it comes to the specialization teachers, they are highly qualified and are very confident in their teaching methods, they are approachable outside class hours. The course curriculum is very rigorous and covers a broad area of study but is very useful when it comes to the practical aspect.
4.   Institute of Management, Christ University, Bangalore
·       Placements: The placements vary for each specialization, which are finance, marketing, lean operation, and human resources. The placements are satisfactory for marketing and finance, whereas a little lagging for HR, with LOS a little decent. The packages vary from 3-11 lakhs, having an average of 6 lakhs.
·       Infrastructure: With the Kengeri campus, the biggest advantage is the infrastructure they provide! The Wi-Fi is stable and easy to use, although the ban on most of the sites can be frustrating. Most of the important sites can be used. The classrooms are wide and spacious with quick replacing if any damages are there. The canteen is satisfactory and offers variety.
·       Faculty: The course in itself is very inclusive, including more than what one can learn in undergrad, along with enough focus on all the necessary aspects. The course with the CIAs ensures no time to laze around, with each CIA having multiple components including presentations, that helps especially in communication aspect as well as interpersonal skills. There are also intense mentoring programs that take place twice a week. The faculty is very approachable and quite competent. The heads of the department are quite accomplished and make it easy to view them as a guide. Definitely good.


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