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Executive MBA

Executive MBA: -
eMBA is an ellipsis of Executive Master of Business Administration feasible to working managers, executive, etc. Aspirants of an eMBA program are highly experienced in comparison to MBA. The formation of eMBA council took place in 1981. The discernment delighted participants in taking a pace ahead in their career in due course(2 consecutive years), meanwhile they continue at the same position. eMBA is further sub-divided in accordance to the interest area, also, different specialisation demand different set of eligibility criteria including work experience, past educational profile.

What is the need for eMBA?
  • There comes a point in the career when promotion gets stuck due to lack of educational notches. There is a saying “It’s never too late,” a determined plan to cover EMBA provides a better opportunity in succession of salary.
  • It expands the chain of network.
  • Prerequisite knowledge of the platform in which an individual is involved, plenty of facts and files are in queue which stays unknown due to absence of proper study material, EMBA overcomes the blank space and generates techniques to explore growth and income.
What are the enrolment requirements for eMBA?
  • A minimum 5 years’ experience is mandatory to pursue the courses emphasized under EMBA.
  • A specialisation area for instance, EPGP(Executive Post Graduate Programme), EPGBM(Executive Programme in Global Business Management), PGDCA(Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application), et cetera.
  • A pre-MBA student underlined to practice EMBA need to submit occupational antiquity, suggestion letter, transcriptions.
How eMBA is practiced with full time work?
  • The process works through online classes, submissions, study materials provided by the affiliated institute.
  • Classes either take place weekly or might be twice in a week as scheduled.
  • Full time EMBA is lately introduced system of education for the working professionals with minimum 5 years, the 1 year tenure of full time EMBA is equivalent to 2 years MBA program offered to fresh graduates with min or no work experience in colleges and institutions. The authority propagated explains the practice hours of the course.
IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL – JAIPUR is in affiliation with IIMs, IPS has been successfully helping the professionals in their career advancement course holy and solely from a long interval of time.


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