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MBA Courses


As the world economies are becoming highly competitive with the disruptive forces of internet and globalization, organizations have to run fast even to be able to stand still in the marketplace.
Our marketing course provides a right balance of both – the managerial view from the field and the academic view from the time-tested frameworks.Top MBA college in India
Students develop abilities to correctly understand, critically analyze and resolve the business challenges like adapting to fast changing consumer behavior, pricing policies, marketing of intangible services, developing newer products, shorter product life-cycles, creating high impact branding and advertizing and selling to business and retail consumers.
Also, as products are fast being commoditized, managements of organizations have realized the importance of focusing on profitability and stakeholder value creation through various components of the marketing strategy Best MBA college in India. Whether the customer is a business organization or retail consumer, companies are focusing more on services and new product development to create ‘client stickiness’’ for sustainable revenue stream and improved profitability.
For the students having entrepreneurial plans of starting their own business or running a family business, our outcome based marketing courses will be of immense use.

Human Resource

In today’s changing scenario, the HR function has grown to become a key component of organizational strategy Top MBA college in Rajasthan. As businesses constantly evolve, the dynamics of HR must also keep pace Best MBA college in Rajasthan. This is possible only when an organization’s most valued assets i.e employees are capable of seeing the bigger picture thereby help organizations gain a competitive advantage.
With a PGDM in HR, students would be able to understand the importance of HR in today’s worldTop BBA college in Jaipur. Specialized courses in the HR curriculum build an intricate web comprising recruitment, mentoring, training and employee performance and management Best BBA college in Jaipur. From time to time students are provided with necessary inputs in form of latest developments in HR field Top BBA college in Rajasthan. They are also encouraged to indulge in field research to gain practical insights about the subject. Best BBA college in Rajsthan


As financial markets become more integrated and sophisticated, there is a strong demand for graduates who can not only understand financial products but also measure and manage the risk arising from such products. Our pragmatically designed curriculum in Finance, meets this demand by choosing a blend of elective courses which focus on skill sets required in the field of finance. The content of each course is unmatched in depth and breadth.


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