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MBA College in Jaipur

  • IPS is academic institute of professional study. IPS is best MBA College in jaipur that offers top management courses. The goal of this institute is to promote sustainable, ecologically-friendly, and equitable socio-economic development of rural people through professional management. The main aim of IPS is to make career of students. IPS is the one of the best management institute in Jaipur that provide Regular MBA, Correspondence MBA or Executive MBA courses in various fields of management studies at different levels. IPS not only provides management courses but also provides top PGDM courses.
  • IPS is the greatest place where you can find best placement. We provide the preeminent facilities where student can enhance their knowledge. IPS offering the best classes for MBA as well as PGDM courses, we have excellent track record of providing internship programs and training. We offers well managed PGDM programs and comfortable environment where organization works. We have high qualified and trained problem solver faculty that help to resolve problem of students.
  • Our internship program gives students professional experience and exposure of real corporate world. We have top level faculty that are expert in planning, management and organization; they have strong communication skills and art of convincing people with their talk.
  • This is a two–year full time program spread over four semesters and leading to the degree in Master of Business Administration. The most notable features of the program are its flexibility and objectives of providing a genuinely broad based education. Students are given an opportunity to improve their communication skills in a well equipped modern language lab with computers and cassettes. Annual Seminar CEO series of guest lectures business simulation games personal growth lab psychological profiling personality development workshops create all round development for students.
  • An MBA is an essential degree program that is attained by a good ratio of hard work, determination and vision. After graduation many individuals look for the degree course which is not only challenging but also provide a creative and out of the bench working platforms for best implementation of their skills. IPS  has secured  position among the top 100 Management colleges in India. We offer MBA courses part time, full time, corresponding and distance learning. These degree programs are provided in various specialization including Marketing, finance and HR.
  • Individuals planning for their career in Management courses can find IPS as the right destination of study. The excellent placement records and highly qualified staff make it stand in the top position among all management colleges in jaipur.
  • The excellent staff of college regularly helps its students to develop their out of box attitude for industry survival. IPS proved its history to place its students among top firms. 
  • We believe in maintaining the best education culture corresponding to the cutting edge era. That’s why we organize workshop, seminars and conferences from the industry’s best professionals for providing student great exposure for the current running statistics of market. 
  • IPS offers its students rural management courses and research. The vision of IPS is to prepare individuals who can plan a sustainable and eco friendly development for the people via professional development. 
  • IPS also offers a PGDM degree program for aspirants. It posses best placement records and a wide campus with preeminent facilities for providing best education culture to students. We at IPS not only shape future but also life so that each individual can go by the path which they dreamed for. We possess an excellent record for providing internship programs. We provide good environment for study and a highly trained faculty for management trainees. A timely organized conference by the world class experts provides trainees wide industry exposure.
  • For more information visit at 


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