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Top MBA College in India

IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL Jaipur is a Premier Business school which has been consistently delivering the Best MBA Placements in Jaipur. Pioneers in Industry Interaction, Best PGDM College in Rajasthan, IPS draws it success from the concept of Industry being involved with its students on a day to day basis, giving them the practical exposure to their MBA Course which enhances their education.

The only MBA Institute in India that has an unmatched team of Industry leaders as Faculty that gives the students a platform to Learn Live, on the field and through the right mentors, Top PGDM College in Rajasthan that enhances their placement opportunities as they are Industry – Ready.

Active Mentoring by Industry Leaders creates the practical value to management education by involving students in Live Fieldwork and other activities like Market Surveys (through City Scan), Branding (Through Brand Wars) and other activities that makes the students ready for the rigours of the Corporate World. Top PGDM College in India Further, IPS ensures a very healthy interaction of its students with the corporate world. Best PGDM College in Jaipur Through regular classroom sessions as well as the Management Guest Inspire Series, a monthly event that features industry leaders from across management functions as they bring various current management practices to a common platform.

Developing and maintaining a strong alumni association program is essential for the growth and progress of an institution. Best PGDM College in India IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL Alumni Association is a student body which aims to foster interaction and build a living link between the Institute and its Alumni and develop synergistic plans to support the institution and achieve its vision.


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