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Showing posts from May, 2018

Future of MBA

The future of MBA in India may look undecided with varying reports. According to AIMA, the quality of education offered in Indian Business Schools is of substandard quality and because of that many are struggling to stay afloat. Out of 5,500 B-schools in the country, only 7 per cent turn out to be employable, says a study conducted by ASSOCHAM. The MBA graduates after spending lakhs of money for the education which they think will make them ready for the corporate world and future opportunities gets landed up in distress as they get only 10,000-20,000 per month and that too only if they find the placement suitable to them. This is the worrying part and it has to be taken seriously because many students who don’t get admission in good B Schools. There are many ways to tackle down the ongoing problems in the world of MBA education and secure the future of MBA graduates. Most importantly being to increase the actual work knowledge through regular On Job Trainings (OJT), live ...